News & articles

date : 25/09/2024 - category: Systems production

Internationalization Project: Objective China!

Our internationalization project aimed at strengthening our competitiveness in the Asian market, with particular attention to China, includes two main activities:

  • Participation with a Parmafluid stand, together with the Italian collective UNACEA, at the Bauma China 2024 fair in Shanghai, to present our complete range of products and customized solutions for mobile applications in the earthmoving sector.
  • Development of a dedicated landing page and marketing content translated into Chinese, designed to improve our visibility and effectively reach the local market.



Participation in the fair. Together with digital tools, they serve to strengthen our positioning and allow us to communicate directly with potential Chinese partners and customers.


Thanks to this initiative, we aim to create new commercial opportunities and consolidate our international presence.


The project is made possible thanks to the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region, which recognizes the importance of promoting Italian companies in global markets as a lever for economic growth.

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